
1 comment:

rindy said...

exactly true! nihilism is somehow redundant in its very essence. a nihilist, nowadays, appears to be a nonbeliever of all the things and ideas. if that would be the case, then their very own idea is also negated, and thus not true.
big problem indeed. however, nihilists are, we cannot deny, pretty tough and intellectual monsters. we consider Nietzsche and Kierkegaard as nihilists in one way or another. here, we might wonder. how come that these geniuses came to love, or somewhat taken into consideration the idea and employ the thing we call "nihilism".
nihilism, on my own opinion, is a very negative term and ideology that philosophers employ today. it questions everything, and deny every certitude and ideas. we say, for example,that nietzsche became a nihilist because he questions everything during his time, particularly Christianity. but come to think of this, if nietzsche and other thinkers who followed him did not become nihilists against christianity or to human nature, do you think that ideas that we enjoy today exist?
well, my point is that, though nihilism is too negative to employ, we must not underestimate it. nihilism is about questioning the present truth we conceive. And if we question things, it means that there is something fishy about that thing. yeah, fishy!
lets go deeper. we say something, say Pnoy is a good leader. well,we may say that it is our thesis, our argument, our understanding. but this idea is also negated by an antithesis, contrary to your understanding. this questioning by the antithesis appears to be a nihilistic attitude because it negates and challenges your argument. thus, the thesis is forced to make a counter argument, and so also to the antithesis. this method will go on until their ideas meet and agree at a certain point. and the result would be a new thesis, but certainly better than the former two. both parties have agreed and employ the same idea, the synthesis of the dialogue.
at this juncture, i think nihilism is not that bad as we think. yes nihilism is a negative and KJ. but imagine a world without a nihilist, a world without an antagonist, is it not boring? i mean, without nihilism, we may suffer into a stagnant mind, without any improvement at all. we became slaves of ignorance since no one challenges our conviction; no one challenges our belief and opinion that will lead us into learning and humility. humility through acceptance of the fact that we do not conceive the whole truth; we only have a cell of a particular organ system of an organism called TRUTH.

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