a Gift-blog for our 20 months of happy life..

I made this gift-blog particularly for my very pretty, kind, adorable, funny, lovable, childish (though she always insist of being a mature person), warm and of course what she awaits in this sentence, SEXY Girlfriend..:D

It hurts knowing that seeing her on our very special day is near to impossible. If I can just make teleporting or time-stopping work even for just a day but we both know neither of them work:(. Daym! So I've decided to make a blog that will, hmm hopefully, serve as an alternative for not presenting myself to my special one. 

this is for YOU :)

on the day that I first saw you

I knew that it was love at first sight..

and it awesomely felt like this....

day after day I can't stop thinking about you
I'm always imagining things that we are together
I tried making a picture of you but...

and I think falling in love with you was not easy after all
I was so paranoid I ask myself...

I'm in love with you so much that I can't help myself
getting lovesick.

If I have just the strength of saying...

but I was afraid of rejection, I was afraid that you might
just Ignore me or not answer me back..


I thought it was going to be this way..

But I was wrong. I didn't thought that knowing me would also
mean something to you.

Then I started knowing you better...

I started loving things that I don't usually like..


We get closer and closer as if we were best of friends...

but no! I don't want to be just your friend, I wanted to be the man of your heart XD

Hiding this feelings from you was somehow difficult but It was pretty
harder telling the truth.

Somehow, I am a master of implicit love and affection.

Though action speaks louder than words, words still prevail
in expressing what I feel.

On the 26th day of February year 2010, I made it through the help
of  my friends, I officially became your boyfriend.. YES! :D

thanks for the happy memories

now that we're far away i want you to know that..

and the reason why


I want you to know that...

and I will always be

with YOU :D