Hackers: Movie Review

Hackers is an American thriller film starred by Johny Lee Miller, Angelina Jolie, Renoly Santiago and Matthew Lillard directed by Iain Softley. The film was inspired by the rapid growth of computer enthusiasts.
The film revolves on Dade Murphy aka Zero Cool who was arrested and charged at young age of 11 for crashing and breaking into multiple systems within a single day. Due to his threatening skill, he was banned for using a computer unit until he is 18 years of age.
And now that he’s of age, he’s back in the hacking business and ready to unleash his fury(just exaggerating). After having a local television station infiltrated by Dade using the trick of Social Engineering, Dade was disturbed or technically attacked by a stranger called Acid Burn which was eventually kicked out. During the conversation with Burn, Dade identifies himself as crash Override his newly created codename.
Dade enrolls at a certain High School in which he was able to meet with a group of certified hackers: the tough-talking cyber gamer Kate, a junior hacker, prankster Cereal Killer and Lord Nikon and telephone dial tone bypass expert Phantom Phreak.
The group was then involved into a Global Conspiracy when junior hacker Joey Pardella accidentally breaks into a supercomputer to prove to the group that he is a worthy member. He downloaded some of the source files of the Company’s supercomputer. Unfortunately as a result of his newbie skills, he was detected by his unauthorized entry and the company summoned Computer Security Officer Eugene aka The Plague. Eugene is just taking an alliance with the government but his real objective was to steal money from the company via Salami Slicing ( a series of many minor actions, often performed by clandestine means, that together results in a larger action that would be difficult or illegal to perform at once).
Joey was then later on captured together with his computers and gadgets but no evidence has been found throughout their search for the garbage file that was downloaded by Joey. Meanwhile, Dade and Kate soon figured out that they had met each other in a television station and legalized that they were Crash Override and acid Burn. To settle up their scorching competition, the group decided to deal with it by having a contest making the three remaining members as the Judge. Their hacks were focused on harassing agent Richard Gill.
After Joey’s release proving he’s not guilty, he immediately spread the news with the phantom freak but they were already followed. Ramon Sanchez aka Phantom Phreak social engineered the news to Kate and to all of the members including Dade. At first, Dade was hesitant to take action because of his previous criminal record but when her mother was already involved he had no other option but to participate and help the group of Kate.
The team seeks the help of the Razor and Blade, the producers of a certain hacking network station to globally assemble all hackers to help them accomplished their task. The team emerged victorious and stopped the conspiracy of the Plague which was about to happen.
Razor quoted that “Hacking is more than just a crime. It's a survival trait”. I’ve realized that there is more into it than being a serious crime. Hacking is designed to make the computer world to have the best out of it. If its security we are talking to, it’s better calling a hacker rather that a professional to provide real life simulation.

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